After famous Bollywood celebrities Shah Rukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif, is time of another B-town girl Priyanka Chopra, to vow Punjab. Priyanka Chopra has been booked to perform at the opening ceremony of the 4th World Kabaddi Cup on November 30, 2013 at Bathinda.
This biggest celebration is to be held from November 30 to December 14 at a estimated budget of Rs 20 crore.
For you kind information in November 2011, SRK had performed at the opening ceremony of the 2nd World Kabaddi Cup while Akshay, Deepika and Chitrangada Singh performed at closing ceremony. In 2012, Akshay and Katrina Kaif performed during the 3rd edition of the world kabaddi cup.
Punjab director of sports, Shivdular Singh, said, "Priyanka Chopra will perform at the inauguration of the 4th World Kabaddi Cup. She has given her nod. Preparations for the tournament are going on at war footing."
Punjab Kabaddi Association president and state education minister Sikandar Singh Maluka said that 12 teams in the men's section and 8 in the women's category have confirmed participation. CM of Pakistan Punjab and sports minister of Canada have also confirmed to attend the opening ceremony, he added.
Men's Section Teams - India, Argentina, USA, England, Canada, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Iran, Denmark, Kenya, Scotland and Spain
Women's Section Teams - India, USA, England, Denmark, Iran, Mexico, Kenya and Pakistan.
Matches of the event will be held at 13 venues.